Product Name:WP9 series Multiple pump control
  The main characteristic of the WP9 multiple pump Frequency Inverter is the control of two or more pumps in parallel using only one frequency inverter. The inverter selects which pumps will operate in order to keep/control the process value of the pumping system. An alternation between their activation is also performed, making it possible an equal use of the pumps.

Input voltage,V
Power range, кW
2.2- 350

The main characteristic of the WP9 multiple pump Frequency Inverter is the control of two or more pumps in parallel using only one frequency inverter. The inverter selects which pumps will operate in order to keep/control the process value of the pumping system. An alternation between their activation is also performed, making it possible an equal use of the pumps.
Main characteristics
* Full protection for pumping systems and maximized usability through special functions
* The ▲▼ key directly adjusts the target pressure.
* Power off,then when the power is restored, it will automatically restart the running function.
* Extended relay output can achieve one inverter control four constant pressure water supply pump.
* 24VDC power supply to power the current transmitter.
* The inverter has the intelligent judgment function of dormancy.
*English keyboard displays target value and feedback value.
* It can be extended to 4 pumps for water supply, including stabilized pressure pump and variable frequency pump.
* It supports the online selection function of feedback pressure gauge and current transmitter.
* 1 pump and 1 frequency conversion linkage control completes constant pressure water supply function.
* The keyboard can start the constant pressure water supply control function, can have the stop function and the fault reset function.
Security alarm function
  High water pressure alarm function, low water pressure alarm function
  Protection function of water shortage 
  Antifreeze function;
  Detect sensor disconnection;
•  Automatic reset function of water shortage fault
•  Multi-pump control, fault pump is manually cut off

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  User Manuals    
    • Homes
    • Commercial buildings
    • Agriculture
    • Golf courses irrigation
    • Foods and beverage industry
    • Centrifugal pumps in general
    • Dedicated pumping system
Falowniki,Przemienniki częstotliwości, softstarty, serwonapędy, Napędy AC, automatyka przemysłowa, Systemy napędowe, Przekładnia planetarna, precyzyjne przekładnie planetarne, Serwonapędy AC, Silniki krokowe, Sterowniki silników krokowych, Enkodery, Serwomechanizmy, serwosilniki, Ekrany dotykowe HMI, elektrotechnika, softstarty, serwonapędy, Silniki AC, DC, Silniki serwo, serwonapędy, techniki napędowej, falowniki niskiego napięcia

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