NIETZ to Present at IRAN Industry INTERNATIONAL Exhibition TIIE 2016 in Tehran on 04-08 october
Posted by:【Nietz Tech】 On:【2016-10-11】
NIETZ, a national hi-tech company that specializes in research, development, manufacturing and marketing of low voltage inverters, servo drive & servo motors, planetary gearboxes in the field of electric drive and industrial control, NIETZ has been present at IRAN Industry INTERNATIONAL Exhibition TIIE 2016 in Tehran on 04-08 october.
On the Fair TIIE NIETZ showcase new series NL1000 Inverter, range of power 0.4~37 kw. The simple VFD( AC drives) has competitive’s price, perfect quality, large range powers. That series selling to more than 20 contry, main appolication for fan, water pumps and food machines.
Series NZ3000 inverter is specially use for air compressor and NZD use for chain & cable hoist.
AC Servo System SVD is a new generation star product made by NIETZ, which is greatly improved in performance. It can satisfy needs in many different fields with its easy use, high reliability and good adaptability to the environment.
Rapid speed response: Speed response frequency is more than 2.0 kHz,reducing the adjusting time and ranking the top in the circle.
Excellent positioning accuracy: 2500-wire incremental, 17/20-bit absolute and rotating transformer encoders are applied to increase the positioning accuracy and enhance the stability.
SVD100 series servo system is widely applicable to CNC industry, electronic equipment, printing equipment, packaging equipment and woodworking machinery, etc.
On the fair NIETZ also showed planetary gearboxes helical series and straight teeth series. The helical series has high performance and precision, backlash no more 5 arcmin.
AC Drive, Frequency Inverter, Frequency converter, Variable Speed Drive, Variable Frequency Drive,VFD, AC Motor speed controller, Soft Starter, อินเวอร์เตอร์ความถ, Biến tần, Convertizoare de frecventa, frekvenciaváltók, ווסתי מהירות ,محول تردد,اینورتر,variateur frequence, convertisseur frequence, Frequenzumrichter, variadores de velocidad, Convertidor de frecuencia, inversores de frequencia, Variadores de Frequência, Преобразователи частоты, Частотный преобразователь,falowniki, Ρυθμιστές Στροφών, اینورترهای Ac, frekuenca inverter, Servo system, servo drive, servo inverter, servo motor, stepper motor, stepper drive, سیستم های سرو, سرو موتور, Ρυθμιστές Στροφών, Σερβοκινητήρες, Βηματικοί Κινητήρες, Πλανητικοί μειωτήρες, μειωτήρες, Precision planetary gearboxes, Планетарные редукторы, серворедуктор, Reductores planetarios de precisión, Redutor Planetário, réducteur planétaire de précision, Planet Redüktörler, گیربکسهای سیاره ای, precyzyjne przekładnie planetarne, علبة التروس الكوكبية , Planetové převodovky, Bolygókerekes hajtómű, Reductoare planetare de precizie, Planetiniai reduktoriai, แม่นยำเกียร์ดาวเคราะห์, Hộp giảm tốc, Riduttori epicicloidali, планетарни редуктори, תמסורות פלנטריות מדויקות,